New regulations have been introduced for wind power plants. The power limitation for the mechanical installed power of auxiliary source-based units has been removed for generation plants whose main source is based on wind energy.
The decision of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority on “Amendment of the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Determination of the Power Plant Sites of the Production Facilities Subject to Associate Licenses or Licenses in the Electricity Market” was published in the Official Gazette. According to this regulation, there will be no installed power limitation for the mechanical installed power of the units connected to the auxiliary source foreseen to be installed in power generation facilities with the main source based on wind energy and multi-source electricity generation facilities.
In this context, the total mechanical power of auxiliary welding-based units that can be installed in multi-source electricity generation facilities;
- In power generation plants with a total electrical installed power of units based on the main source of 50 MW and below, the total electrical installed power of the units based on the main source,
- In power generation plants with a total electrical installed capacity of units based on the main source over 50 MW; 50 MW of power shall not exceed the total power to be found by adding power corresponding to half of the electrical installed power of the main source exceeding 50 MW.
With the arrangements, production facilities whose main source is based on wind energy were removed from the scope of the provision. In accordance with the decision of the council, the mechanical installed capacity of the auxiliary resource-based units to be installed will not exceed 100 MW in total.
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